Data Recorder File InputFile Input Data Recorder

(This functionality is available with the Input / Output module)

Transfers data from a file storage location to a Raw File.

The RAW file contains the original data and may be used to create a Field File via the Field Transfer/Resolve/Create Field File command.

The Field File may then be edited using the Field Transfer/Resolve/Edit Field File command to correct any recording errors.

Finally, the data may be reduced and transferred as objects to the data base using the Field Transfer/Resolve/Reduce Field File command

Data Recorder File Input dialog box

Item Used to
Object name: Select the object containing the data to be input.
Object type: Select the type of objects to be displayed in the file list.
OK Data is transferred from the selected object into the pre-selected RAW file. A progress bar indicates the progress of the transfer.
Cancel Close the dialog box without transferring the data.

Refer to the appropriate topic below for further details about transferring data from your particular data recorder.










TDS - Tripod Data Systems