Leica Disto

(This functionality is available with the Input / Output module)

The Leica Disto can be used in conjunction with the Calculator tool. To operate the Disto with the calculator, select the system menu of the calculator (top left side corner) and then select the Disto option. This will display the Configure Disto dialog box.

Configure Disto dialog box

Item Used to
Port: Select the port to which the Disto is connected.
Baud Rate: Select the Baud Rate at which the Disto is set.
Active Select whether the Calculator is to communicate with the Disto.
If this check box is crossed, then on selecting OK, the calculator can accept readings from the Disto.
OK Close the dialog box and save the changes to the settings.
Cancel Close the dialog box without saving any changes.

Using the Disto to transfer distances to the calculator, and then using the transfer button on the calculator, enables you to transfer a measured distance back to a currently active data field in any of the Computations creation dialog boxes.