Reduce Field FileReduce Field File

(This functionality is available with the Input / Output module)

Reduces the observations in a Field File to co-ordinates and transfers the data as objects to the currently open data base.

The Field file may have been created via direct entry of observations using the Field Transfer/Input commands, or by reformatting a Raw File using the Field Transfer/Resolve/Create Field File command.

The Field File may then be edited using the Field Transfer/Resolve/Edit Field File command to correct any errors.

During the reduction process, the face that is used for orientation is identified and adjustments to all reductions are calculated on that face. i.e.: If the orientation is done on FL then any FR observations are adjusted by 180° and FL observations are unaffected. The vertical circle observation must be present for the system to identify that the face has changed. If the angular units are configured as South Azimuth, observations with a 0° bearing will be reduced down the page and similarly, observations with a 180° bearing will be reduced up the page.

Reduce Field File dialog box

Item Used to
Look In: Select the folder in which the field file is to be selected from.
File name: Key in or display the name of an existing Field file to be reduced.
The file must have an .FLD extension.
Files of type: Select the type of files to be displayed in the file list.
Code Table: Select the code table to be used during the reduction process.
The objects will be created in the currently open data base according to the attributes set in the code table selected.
Feature codes in the Field file will be matched to the feature codes in the code table. Therefore ensure that feature codes used in the Field file are defined in the code table selected.
Refer to the Code Table topic for further information.
Lookup Table: Select the lookup table to be used during the reduction process.
If a lookup table is used, feature codes in the selected field file will be matched to feature codes as specified in the lookup table.
Refer to the Lookup Table topic and the Utilities/Tables/Look Up Table command for further information.
If no lookup table is to be used, select [None].
Setting: Display the structure under which the feature codes in the Field file will be interpreted.
This structure may be altered using the Settings/Code Definition command. Refer to that command for a detailed explanation of the possible structures.
This structure must match the coding system used in the field to ensure that the feature codes are interpreted in the desired manner.
type: Display whether the feature codes in the Field file are to be treated as numeric or alpha fields.
This setting may be altered using the Settings/Code Definition command. Refer to that command for a detailed explanation of the purpose of this setting.
This setting must match the coding system used in the field to ensure that the feature codes are interpreted in the desired manner.
Options Open the Reduction Options dialog. This dialog displays other available options that can be set for the reduction of the field file.
Corrections Open the Corrections dialog. It is here where corrections are set for the field file reduction.
OK Validate the Field file for errors and warnings, and if the validation is successful, the file is reduced and the objects are created in the data base.
If any problems are encountered in the reduction process, the Errors/Warnings dialog box will be displayed and they may be viewed or printed in the normal manner.
If there are errors, these should be rectified using the Edit Field File command and the field file reduced again until the reduction process is successful.
Cancel Close the dialog box without reducing the Field file.