Sokkia SDR-33 Default Settings.

(This functionality is available with the Input / Output module)

The default communications settings are designed to work effectively if the SDR-33 is set up as follows.

Port Top
Modem No
Baud rate 9600
Word length 8
Parity Not set
Stop bit 1

To set these parameters on the SDR-33 use the "Comms setup" function. Refer to the SDR -33 documentation for further detailed instructions.

If the cable from the SDR-33 to the computer has a cable connector switch, it must be set to DTE.

Transferring data from the SDR-33

Ensure that you have carried out the appropriate steps in the procedure for Processing a Field Survey up to the step for initiating the transfer of the data. Then, to initiate the transfer, carry out the following on the SDR-33.

  1. Ensure that the COM menu is displayed by selecting the F3 button. Use the arrow keys until "Comms output" is highlighted.
  2. Press the ENTER key.
  3. Use the arrow keys until "Select jobs" is highlighted.
  4. Press the Enter Key.
  5. Use the arrow keys until the required job name is highlighted.
  6. If the word "No" appears beside the job name, press the Y key to change it to "Yes"
  7. Press the OK key to commence the data transfer.

Transferring co-ordinate data to the SDR-33

Use the Output/Data Recorder command to put the system in a ready state to send co-ordinates to the SDR-33. A dialog box should be displayed asking if the data recorder is ready to receive data. Then, to place the SDR-33 in a ready state, carry out the following on the SDR-33.

  1. Ensure that the COM menu is displayed by selecting the F3 button. Use the arrow keys until "Comms input" is highlighted.
  2. Press the ENTER key and the SDR-33 will display "Waiting for input...".

Then select the OK button in the dialog box to commence the data transfer. The job created in the SDR-33 with the transferred data will have the same name as the data base from which the co-ordinates were transferred.

NOTE: If you are using the SDR20 format, due to limitations in the field size in the SDR data recorders, co-ordinates must be 10 characters or less and point identifiers must be four digits or less. Therefore, if the co-ordinates or point identifiers in the data base exceed these sizes, it will be necessary to apply an offset when uploading to the SDR-33. Refer to the Output/Data Recorder command. This is not a problem if you are using the 16 character extended format.

E.g. -123456.789 (illegal co-ordinate)
123456.789 (legal co-ordinate)
-12345.678 (legal co-ordinate)
1234 (legal point identifier)
12345 (illegal point identifier)