Export ESRI Shapefile

(This functionality is available with the Input / Output module)

Allows the export of objects (points, lines and polygons) to an ESRI Shapefile. This will create 3 files for each Code/Group and each object: the main shapefile (*.shp), the index file (*.shx) and the database table file (*.dbf).

To obtain this option, select the "Export/ESRI Shapefile" command from the Data Conversions task to display the relevant dialog box.

Export Shapefile dialog box

Item Used to
Look in: Select the folder in which the files are to be created.
Export By: Select the method to be used for exporting. This option controls the naming of the shapefiles. Points, lines and polygon objects will be added to shapefiles based on either their code or group.
Attribute Mapping: Select the attribute mapping file (.elu) that defines the point, line and polygon attributes to be exported to the ESRI database table (*.dbf). A default .elu file (Esri.elu) is distributed with the system and located in the LISCAD user folder language sub folder, but you may add others to suit particular export needs. They may be edited in a text editor such as Notepad to remove unwanted attributes or to change the name of the attributes created in the export (as defined on the right hand side of the equals signs).
3 Dimensional: Select if elevations are to be exported to the shapefiles.
Maximum Segment Distances The Maximum Segment Distances group enables the user to enter the distance used when determining the number of points to be placed in Arcs, Circles and Splines.
Arc/Chord Offset The maximum distance entered is used to compute the number of points that can be placed between the vertices of an arc/circle. This number of points will then be positioned at equal intervals along the arc/circle.
Spline The maximum distance entered is used to compute the number of points that can be placed between each pair of vertices along a spline. This number of points will then be positioned at equal intervals between each pair of vertices.
Save Create the shapefiles.
If the file name to be created already exists in the destination folder a dialog will appear asking if you want to overwrite the existing file.
Cancel Close the dialog box without creating the files.


Only objects which are currently displayed will be exported. Refer to the Display/Groups and Display/Features command.

If there is a block currently active, then only those objects which are defined by that block will be exported.

The coordinates will be exported as Grid or Geographic (Lats and Longs) according to the current selection for Coordinates in Utilities/Configure/Units.

Lookup File:

The lookup file is used to set which LISCAD attributes are to be exported to the database table file(*.dbf).

The lookup file must include at least one attribute per point/line/polygon object.

The lookup file consists of pairs of attributes. For each pair, the first is the LISCAD attribute and the second is the 'Attribute Name' that will be used in the database table file(*.dbf). Only the second attribute may be customised by the user.

Customisation of 'Attribute Names' can be made by editing the lookup file(*.elu), which is located in the User folder.

File Naming:

Example: file name conventions are as follows when 'Code' has been selected from the 'Export By' list:
