Configure Folders

Configures the default folders used.

The Configure/Folders command is only available when there is no current data base file open.

The Configure/Folders command is selected from the Utilities task.

Configure Folders dialog box

Item Used to
Data Folder Key in or Browse to the folder where your data files are stored. This folder will then be used as the default location when the File/New File/Open and File/Save As commands are selected.
User Folder Key in or Browse to the folder where the system user files are stored.

The User Folder must always be set to the language independent User Folder root, not the language dependent sub-folder.

Licence Folder Key in or Browse to the folder where your licence file is to be stored. This folder is used to locate LISCAD licence file(s) when using Configure/Licence/Manage to select a licence. The default location of the licence folder is "Program Data\LISCAD" on the local drive where LISCAD is installed. If you change the licence folder, you should move your licence (.lic) file to the new location. If you do not move your current licence file, it will still work, but it will not appear in the Manage dialog.
Default folder is current project location Set if the initial location is the same location as the currently open project when browsing to a file location. If checked, the location of the currently open project is used. If not checked, then the location is set per the functionality for the relevant command. This may be the last used location for that command.
Browse... (applies to all folders) Open the Choose Folder dialog.
This dialog is used to select the folder that will store the relevant files. Use the Look In list to locate the required folder and select the Select button to close the dialog and accept the location. The folder location will be displayed in the relevant folder field.
Select cancel to close the dialog without saving the selected folder.
OK Close the dialog and save any changes.
Cancel Close the dialog without saving any changes.