3D View Tools

There are a number of tools applicable to the 3D view. These include various cameras.

Cameras allow the user to manipulate the viewing of the 3D scene.

A camera consists of several components. The components of a camera are shown thus:

camera components

The position of the camera is a point that represents the position of the camera. Normally, the camera position is placed slightly away from the objects that you wish to view.

The target is a point toward which the camera is looking. The camera target is usually in the middle of the objects that you wish to view. The vector between the camera position and the camera target is called the line of sight.

The up vector is a vector that defines "which way is up."

The field of the camera comprises two numbers - a width and a height - that define the minimum area around the target that will be visible on the screen. The camera field, along with the distance between the camera position and the camera target, determine (in photographic terms) what kind of lens the camera is using. If the field is larger than the distance from the camera position to the target, then we have the equivalent of a wide-angle lens. If the distance between the camera position and target is much larger than the camera field, then we have the equivalent of a telephoto lens. Changing the size of the field (if the camera position and target remain fixed) is the same as zooming the lens.

The following types of cameras are available:-

There is also a special Fit tool :-