To configure the AutoCAD conversion file .CFX.
- Select one of four ways of opening the AutoCAD Conversion Settings dialog box.
Either select Settings/System/AutoCAD Conversions, select the AutoCAD Conversions toolbar button, select Configure in the Import File dialog box or Export File dialog box. - In the AutoCAD Conversion Settings dialog box the following can be set.
- Symbol Lookup Table
- Line Style Lookup Table
- Font Lookup Table
- Match/Create Blocks to/from Symbols
- Search All Symbol Libraries
- Search All Line Style Libraries
- Use Prototype Drawing
- Import Model Space Data
- Import Paper Space Data
- Once the settings have been made select OK to accept the current settings and close the dialog box. Alternatively, select Close to shut down the dialog box without accepting the settings.
To configure the MicroStation DGN conversion file .CGN.
- Select one of four ways of opening the DGN Conversion Settings
dialog box.
Either select Settings/System/DGN Conversions, select the DGN Conversions toolbar button, select Configure in the Import File dialog box or Export File dialog box. - In the DGN Conversion Settings dialog box the following can be
- Symbol Lookup Table
- Line Style Lookup Table
- Font Lookup Table
- Layer Lookup Table
- Mapping Cells to Symbols
- Search All Symbol Libraries
- Search All Line Style Libraries
- Seed File
- Resource File
- Once the settings have been made select OK to accept the current settings and close the dialog box. Alternatively, select Close to shut down the dialog box without accepting the settings.
The weights of lines imported from MicroStation use the formula
Weight (in mm) = DGN lineweight(number) * Current Plot Scale * 20
This has the effect of setting a LISCAD Line weight of 4mm if the DGN line weight is 2 and the plot scale is 1:100Images from MicroStation can be imported into LISCAD CAD.
For more information on MicroStation Support Files click here.
The following table describes what AutoCAD entities are imported into LISCAD CAD, and what LISCAD CAD entity they then become...
AutoCAD Entity | LISCAD Entity |
Point | Symbol |
Line | Line |
Arc | If 3d, then Spline, else Arc. |
Circle | If 3d, then Spline, else Circle. |
Face | Line |
Polyline | Line |
Polyline | Line |
2D Polyline | Line/Spline |
3D Polyline | Line/Spline |
Spline | Spline |
Text | Text |
Block Reference | Either a symbol, or the block is exploded and the constituent entities imported |
Ellipse | Spline |
Raster Image | CAD Image |
Hatch | Polygon |
Proxy | Exploded and the constituent entities imported |
3d Solid | Exploded and the constituent entities imported |
The following table describes what MicroStation entities are imported into LISCAD CAD, and what LISCAD CAD entity they then become...
Microstation Entity | CAD Entity |
Cell Header | Symbol |
Line String | Line |
Curve | Line |
Shape | Line |
Line | Line |
Arc | Arc |
Circle | Circle |
Text | Text |
Text Node | Text |
Complex Shape | Exploded its constituent entities and imported |
Complex String | Exploded its constituent entities and imported |
Shared Cell Reference | Symbol |
Raster Attachment | Image |