Template Implementation Sets

(This functionality is available with the Profiles and Design Module)

A Template Implementation Set controls how templates are applied to a long section or cross section set, to create a set of design cross sections.

Unlike the Templates, which are generic and can be used by any Template Implementation Set, the Template Implementation Set is specific to the current data set and is stored inside the *.see data base.

The Template Implementation Set holds the following information:-

Control Parameters

These are the components that determine both the horizontal and vertical control for the placement of the templates. Either a long section or a cross section set can be used as the control. If a long section is used as the control it will use the long section to control the elevation and the primary or secondary alignment that the long section is attached to, for horizontal control. If a cross section set is used as the control, it will use either the left or right side of each cross section, depending upon which side the template is attached to, to control the elevation and the primary alignment that the cross section set is attached to, for horizontal control.

Attach Templates

This allows the templates from the selected Template Library to be attached to the control alignment at specific chainages or distances along the alignment. Different templates can be attached to the left and right side of the control line independently of each other.

Match Intersecting Surfaces

This allows the generic surface names used in the Template Library to be matched to real surfaces in the data set. Surfaces are defined as alignments, long sections and cross section sets.


The modifications control any changes that are required to be applied to the standard templates. These modifications can be used to control such things as superelevation and road widening. The modifications can be set to apply over nominated sections of the control.

Output Parameters

These control the section of the control alignment that the design cross sections are to be generated for. They also tell the system how to apply the design cross sections to other existing cross sections. It also holds the name, line style and colour parameters to be given to the resultant design cross sections.