Template Implementation Set Editor - Attach Templates

(This functionality is available with the Profiles and Design Module)

Allows templates to be attached to the left and right side of the control at any given distance or chainage.

This dialog box is accessible by pressing the Attach Templates button on the Template Implementation Set Editor.

Template Implementation Set Attach Templates dialog box

Item Used to
Chainage / Distance Enter the chainage or distance along the primary alignment, depending upon the current alignment configuration, that you want the selected template to be applied from. The position along the alignment does not have to correspond with a section marker.
Left Template Select from the drop down list the template that you wish to attach to the left side of the control. If the control is a cross section set the template will be attached to the outer left hand side of each section. If the control is a long section the template will be attached to the left side of the long section.
Right Template Select from the drop down list the template that you wish to attach to the right side of the control. If the control is a cross section set the template will be attached to the outer right hand side of each section. If the control is a long section the template will be attached to the right side of the long section.
Note that it is not necessary to attach a template to both the left and right hand sides. The left and right sides are completely independent of each other.
Add Enters the chainage / distance and templates into the table of attachments. The new attachment will be placed in the correct order along the alignment. If the chainage / distance entered already exists in the table the existing entry will be overwritten.
Replace If a row in the table has been selected, by clicking on it with the mouse, the chainage / distance and template fields can be updated by pressing the Replace button. The Replace button will only be active if a row has been selected.
Delete If a row in the table has been selected, by clicking on it with the mouse, the Delete button will delete the selected row. The Delete button will only be active if a row has been selected.
OK Accepts all editing that has been done, closes the dialog box and returns to the main Template Implementation Set Editor dialog box.
Cancel Cancels all editing that has been done, closes the dialog box and returns to the main Template Implementation Set Editor dialog box.

Selecting a row in the table will copy the information from that row down into the edit fields.

The templates displayed in the drop down list are all the templates currently available from the template file selected in the Control Parameters dialog box.

The templates in the table will have either a red cross or a green tick next to them. A red cross indicates that the template name is no longer valid. This can occur when the template file has been changed in the Control Parameters dialog and the template does not exist in the selected template file. It can also occur if the template file is edited and the templates are renamed or deleted or if the template file has been renamed.
If a Template Implementation Set is applied with templates that have a red cross next to them, then those template attachments will be ignored.