Export R-Spec

(This functionality is available with the Input / Output module)

Allows the export of R-Spec files. The R-Spec standard (Road Specification) was created to enable Local Government authorities around Australia to participate in the use of a single specification when dealing with the creation of new council road assets.

Note that there are various requirements that you need to adhere to regarding how you arrange data in the SEE file and the lookup file that is used in the export process. Please refer to the notes at the end of the dialog box help.

To obtain this option, select the "Export/R-SPEC" command from the Data Conversions task to display the relevant dialog box.

R-Spec Export dialog box

Item Used to
Output Folder: Display the folder in which the R-Spec files are to be created.
Browse Change the Output Folder.
Export Format: Select the format of the R-Spec files, which may be either MapInfo MIF/MID or ESRI Shapefiles.
General Complete various data fields required by the R-Spec format. Do not use commas in these fields.
WA Specific: Complete various data fields specifically required by the R-Spec format in Western Australia. Do not use commas in these fields.
Lookup File: Select the lookup file (.rlt) that defines various data to be exported to the R-Spec files. A default lookup file (Rspec.rlt) is distributed with the system and located in the LISCAD user folder language sub folder, but you may add others to suit particular export needs. They may be edited in a text editor such as Notepad. Refer also to the section below: R-Spec Lookup File.
OK Create the R-Spec files. These files will be created in the specified output folder and have names R-****.xxx, , where xxx is either MIF and MID (MapInfo) or DBF, SHP and SHX (ESRI), depending upon the Export Format selected. **** is the LISCAD group name you used for each type of road asset.
If the file name to be created already exists in the destination folder a dialog appears asking if you want to overwrite the existing files. A log file is also displayed showing any errors or warnings resulting from the export process.
Cancel Close the dialog box without creating the files.


Display and Block sensitive:

Only objects which are currently displayed will be exported. Refer to the Display/Groups and Display/Features command.

If there is a block currently active, then only those objects which are defined by that block will be exported.

SEE File Requirements:

The SEE file needs to be able to identify what LISCAD entities represent the different types of road assets, so that the export process knows exactly which LISCAD points and lines are to go out as Bridges, Hydrants, Kerbs, Trees etc.
- Kerb  lines are to be placed in a LISCAD Group called R-KERBS.
- Trees are to be placed in a LISCAD Group called R-TREES.
Similarly for all the other R-Spec asset types.

There are further specifications concerning the graphical representation of the objects described in the R-Spec specification, which it is expected the user is familiar with.

The SEE file should include additonal line work for graphical representation requirements, i.e. "Road Reserve" polygon. Although this data is not graphically output in the R-Spec output and there are no required attribute/validation tables associated, it is valid R-Spec data and needs to be output.

Hence, the Road Name for a road reserve polygon should be contained in the LISCAD polygon description attribute. Data deemed for graphical representation can be output seperately by selecting Export/Arcinfo or Export/Map Info MIF/MID commands from the Data Conversions task.

The SEE file should use a codetable designed for R-Spec which has the Road assets coded such that they display the correct symbols and line styles. Indeed, the dimensions of the Tree symbols will determine the size of the tree, which is valid R-Spec data.

For a comprehensive explanation on how to export R-Spec Data please refer to Preparing LISCAD data for Export to RSPEC available from LISTECH.

R-Spec Lookup File:

The Lookup Table for R-Spec has an extension *.rlt and is stored in the LISCAD User Folder language subfolder. The rlt file stores a list of LISCAD feature codes which map to data required in the R-Spec export. It is an ASCII file, and hence suitable for editing by the user with Notepad. It is comma delimited and has sections for the various tryps of road assets. A sample Rspec.rlt file is installed with the system. You can use that as a starting point to create your own rlt file with the feature codes you use and the data that R-Spec requires.