Points by Plane Grid - Elevation

(This functionality is available with the Computations module)

Creates points in a grid, by specifying its grid size, interval, direction, distance and elevation.

To run this option, select the Create/Point command and the Method/Plane Grid command from the Computations task to display the relevant wizard.

The points to be created will be given the attributes currently defined via the Attributes/Point command. You should use that command to set the required attributes before creating any points.

Important: Refer to the Creation Methods-Special Notes topic and ensure that you are familiar with its contents.

Create Points by Plane Grid Wizard

Item Used to
No Elevation Radio Button Specify that the grid points will not have elevations.
Fixed Radio Button Specify that the grid points will all have a fixed elevation that is entered in the Elevation field below.
Elevation: Enter the elevation to be applied to all points.
Elevation Radio Button Specify that the grid points will have elevations that the user enters individually via the Input Grid Elevations dialog box.
or Update the point identifier field to one greater than the highest point identifier in the data base.
Grade Radio Button Specify that the grid points will have elevations at a height difference from a grade origin point.
Grade: The grade is entered as a percentage or ratio as set in the Utilities/Configure/Units command.
The grade refers to grade along the grade line from the grade origin point.
Grade Line: Key in the direction of the Grade Line.
Alternatively, snap to and accept to existing points to define a direction.
Origin East: Key in the Grade Origins East Co-ordinate.
Alternatively, snap to and accept an existing point to use its co-ordinate value.
If this field is left blank the co-ordinate will be taken as 0.
Origin North: Key in the Grade Origins North Co-ordinate.
Alternatively, snap to and accept an existing point to use its co-ordinate value.
If this field is left blank the co-ordinate will be taken as 0.
Origin Elevation: Key in the Grade Origins Elevation.
Alternatively, snap to and accept an existing point to use its co-ordinate value.
If this field is left blank the co-ordinate will be taken as 0.
< Back Go to the last wizard page Point ID Generation
Finish Closes the wizard and creates the grid.
Cancel Cancels and closes the wizard.