Points by Plane Grid - Input Elevation

(This functionality is available with the Computations module)

Creates points in a grid, by specifying its grid size, interval, direction, distance and elevation.

To run this option, select the Create/Point command and the Method/Plane Grid command from the Computations task to display the relevant wizard.

The points to be created will be given the attributes currently defined via the Attributes/Point command. You should use that command to set the required attributes before creating any points.

Important: Refer to the Creation Methods-Special Notes topic and ensure that you are familiar with its contents.

This dialog is shown when the user has previously chosen the 'Elevation' button on the last Wizard page Elevation.

Please note that the grid points are created with a default elevation of 0.0 before this dialog is shown. Therefore if the user closes the dialog, the grid will still have been created.

As the dialog shows a Point ID, the corresponding point in the database will highlight. The user then has the choice of:

Leaving the point with the default elevation of 0.0

Taking off the elevation.

Placing a different elevation on the point.

Input Elevation dialog.

Item Used to
Point ID: Shows the current Point ID.
Elevation: Shows and allows the current Elevation on the point to be changed.
Next: Goes to the next Point ID.
Back: Goes to the previous Point ID.
Close Closes the dialog.