This topic documents the concepts used in viewing a SEE project in 3D.
The purpose of the 3D view is to allow the user to view certain entities in a project in three dimensions.
A window type is available which when opened will allow the user to interact with a project in the following ways: -
- Allow the user to select viewing tools called cameras. The user is able to pan, zoom, orbit around a point or "walk" the scene using these tools.
- Allow the user to select what and how entities are displayed. The user is able to show points, lines and DTMS in this view.
- Allow the user to apply colours and textures to individual triangles of a DTM, or to an entire DTM.
- The user may drape registered background images over a DTM.
- A DTM can be coloured in layers based upon elevation.
- Allow the user to apply special effects to the scene in the view. The user may exaggerate the scene vertically, apply atmospheric attenuation (fog), apply shadow and specify where the sun's position is within the scene, thereby causing certain lighting effects.