Traverse File Editor: Update Traverses

(This functionality is available with the Input / Output module)

Updates the co-ordinates and elevations in the database with the co-ordinates and elevations from the traverse file editor.

You should not use this command until you have carried out a satisfactory traverse adjustment.

Update Traverses dialog box

Item Used to
Traverses Selected: Select and display the traverse to be computed.
Any of the traverses can be selected in the currently open traverse file.
Note: To apply the settings to all the traverses in the traverse file select All Traverses from the list.
Lines Toggle the creation of lines when the traverse is computed.
If selected, lines will be created for the traverse.
Point ID List the point identifiers of each station point in the traverse.
Existing Easting List the current easting of the station points that exist in the database.
Existing Northing List the current northing of the station points that exist in the database.
New Easting List the easting that will be transferred to the database if OK is selected.
New Northing List the northing that will be transferred to the database if OK is selected.
Point ID List the point identifiers of each station point in the traverse.
Existing Elev List the current elevation of the station points that exist in the database.
New Elev List the elevation that will be transferred to the database if OK is selected.
Bearings Toggle whether observed bearings are to be output as text objects.
Distances: Toggle whether observed distances are to be output as text objects.
Rounding: Select the angle and distance rounding for the text objects.
Three types of angle rounding (1, 2, and 3) are definable using the Utilities/Configure/Angles command. A setting of zero means that rounding will not be applied.
Text Code: Set the code for the text objects.
OK Transfer the selected items to the database and close the dialog box. Only the highlighted points will be transferred.


If the point being updated into the database is a new point, the description and code from the traverse file editor will be used. If there is no description or code in the traverse file editor, the default code will be used.

If the point being updated into the database is an existing point, the description and code from the traverse file editor will be used. If there is no description or code in the traverse file editor, the existing point’s code and description will remain as they were.