Least Squares Adjustment Editor: Horizontal/Adjust

(This functionality is available with the Adjustment module)

Performs a horizontal least squares adjustment of the currently open Adjustment Control File and produces an ASCII Report or an XML output of the adjustment.

You must have approximate co-ordinates in the stations window for all points to be adjusted prior to using this command. Refer to the Horizontal/Approx. Co-ordinates command.

There must also be sufficient fixed co-ordinates in the stations window to fix and orientate the network.

The system will display appropriate messages if there are insufficient fixed or approximate co-ordinates. If this occurs, add the required co-ordinates to the stations window before again attempting the adjustment.

On completion, you have the option of saving the adjusted co-ordinates in the Stations window. If you are satisfied with the adjustment, then select yes when prompted with "Update co-ordinates into spreadsheet". Once you have the co-ordinates in the spreadsheet, you are in a position to update the database. Use the Horizontal/ Update command to update the co-ordinates or elevations in the database with the values in the traverse file.