Set Point Attributes Set Point AttributesPoint Attributes - Dialog Box

(This functionality is available with the Computations, Point Cloud and 3D Visualisation modules)

This dialog box is displayed after selecting the Attributes/Point command.

The dialog box is used to view or alter the current point attribute settings which will be used when points are created in the Computations Task/Create commands. The various attributes and how to alter the settings are detailed below. Click any of these point attribute topics for their definitions.

Item Used to
Code Table Select an existing code table.
Code: Key in a feature code or select an existing feature code already defined in the selected code table.
The attribute settings are automatically changed to the settings stored in the code table for the selected feature code.
Having feature codes already set up in the code table with the required attributes, and selecting the appropriate feature code in this field, is therefore the fastest and most convenient method of setting the required point attributes. Code tables may be set up and edited via the Utilities/Tables/Code Table commands. They may also be edited using the Update Code Table button in this dialog box.
Altering the attribute settings in this dialog box will not alter the code table settings unless the Update Code Table button is used.
Selecting an existing code previously defined in the code table is a quick method of setting the attributes. However, you may key in a code not contained in the code table and define the attributes as you wish.
Group: Key in or select the group attribute.
If a new group is entered, that group will be created when the OK button is selected./td>
XY: Select the rounding for XY (East and North) co-ordinates.
Three types of XY rounding (1, 2, and 3) are definable using the Utilities/Configure/Co-ordinates command. A setting of zero means that rounding will not be applied.
Refer also to the Co-ordinate rounding topic.
Z: Select the rounding for Z co-ordinates (Elevations).
Three types of Z rounding (1, 2, and 3) are definable using the Utilities/Configure/Co-ordinates command. A setting of zero means that rounding will not be applied.
Refer also to the Co-ordinate rounding topic.
Desc: Edit the point description attribute.
The description may be up to 26 characters.
Colour: Select the colour number attribute.
Elevation Toggle the point elevation attribute.
The setting of this attribute has no affect on whether elevations are imported into the system. If a point being imported has an elevation, then the elevation will be imported regardless of this setting.
If active, elevations may be entered whenever points are created using the Create Menu.
Contourable Toggle the point contourable attribute.
Only those points with this attribute active can be used in model formation for contouring and volume calculations.
Symbol 1 Select point symbol 1.
Symbol 2 Select point symbol 2.
Each point may have none, one or two symbols. Refer to the Symbol Library dialog box in Appendix 1 of the manual.
If only symbol 1 is set, then Dimension 1 is used as the height and Dimension 2 is used as the width of the symbol.
If both symbol 1 and symbol 2 are set, then Dimension 1 is used as the height and width of symbol 1 and Dimension 2 is used as the height and width of the symbol 2.
A typical example of using two symbols on one point would be one symbol for a tree's foliage and another for the tree trunk.
Plan Set plan units for symbol dimensions.
The symbol dimensions will then be in millimetres (or inches) when output from the system to a CAD drawing.
Use plan units for symbols that are to be shown at a fixed size regardless of the scale to be used in the CAD drawing. An example of such a symbol could be a permanent survey mark.
Ground Set ground units for symbol height or width.
The symbol dimensions will then be in metres (or feet) on the ground and scaled accordingly when output from the system to a CAD drawing.
Use ground units for symbols that are to be drawn to scale. An example of such a symbol could be a tree of certain diameter as shown in the dialog box.
Dimension 1 Key in the height (Y dimension) of the symbol.
Dimension 2 Key in the height (Y dimension) of the symbol. Key in the width (X dimension) of the symbol.
If only symbol 1 is set, then Dimension 1 is used as the height and Dimension 2 is used as the width of the symbol.
If both symbol 1 and symbol 2 are set, then Dimension 1 is used as the height and width of symbol 1 and Dimension 2 is used as the height and width of symbol 2.
Direction Key in the direction of the symbol in decimal degrees, mathematical convention.
For example a direction of 45° will cause the symbol to be rotated anticlockwise by 45° from the direction shown in the symbol library.
Update Code Table Changes the point attribute settings in the selected code table for the selected feature code, to reflect the settings currently shown in this Point Attributes dialog box.
This is a convenient method of editing the code table without the need to use the Utilities/Code Table commands.
If the change is to an existing feature code in the code table, rather than the addition of a new feature code, a warning dialog box will be displayed asking that you confirm the operation.
OK Close the dialog box and save any changes as the current point attribute settings to be used when new points are created.
Cancel Close the dialog box without saving any changes to the current point attribute settings.