Configure Co-ordinatesConfigure Co-ordinates

Configures the order, precision and rounding for co-ordinate display and output.

The Configure/Co-ordinates command is selected from the Utilities task.

You may use the Co-ordinate Configuration dialog box to make the appropriate selections. Co-ordinates will be displayed on the screen and in any output according to the selections made in the Co-ordinate Configuration dialog box.

You may change the Co-ordinates Configuration at any time. This enables you to view any data base with different Co-ordinate Configurations or to switch between Co-ordinate Configurations.

Select the required order by clicking the appropriate radio button for East first or North first.

Use the appropriate combo boxes to select your required options for the following:

Geographic Precision- precision of Latitudes and Longitudes
XY Precision- precision of the XY (East, North) co-ordinates.
Z Precision- precision of the Z (Elevation) co-ordinates.
XY Rounding 1- Rounding type 1 for XY co-ordinates
XY Rounding 2- Rounding type 2 for XY co-ordinates
XY Rounding 3- Rounding type 3 for XY co-ordinates
Z Rounding 1- Rounding type 1 for Z co-ordinates
Z Rounding 2- Rounding type 2 for Z co-ordinates
Z Rounding 3- Rounding type 3 for Z co-ordinates

Selecting the System button will save the current settings as the system defaults. The system defaults are the settings initially used when a new data base is created.

Click the OK button to change the Co-ordinates Configuration of the current file to that selected or click the Cancel button if you do not wish to change the Co-ordinates Configuration.