Template Editor - Do Column

(This functionality is available with the Profiles and Design Module)

The Template Editor Do column is a drop down list which has four states. Just click on the Do field to activate the drop down list.

State Function
Always: If the process gets to this row it will always be processed regardless of whether the result of the last intersection test was True or False. (Default condition)
True: If the process gets to this row it will only be processed if the result of the last intersection test was True.
False: If the process gets to this row it will only be processed if the result of the last intersection test was False. Note that in the absence of an intersecting surface the result is considered to be False.
Never: If the process gets to this row it will Never be processed regardless of the results of the last intersection test. This state allows instruction rows to be commented out without the need to delete them.

Each time the Do drop down list is changed the graphic display of the template will be updated to reflect the change.