Cross Section Point by Offset and Elevation ShiftCreate Point by Point Offset and Elevation Shift

(This functionality is available with the Profiles and Design module)

Creates a new point and inserts it into a cross section at an offset and elevation shift from a specific offset and elevation.

The Create Point by Point Offset and Elevation Shift command is available after selecting Edit/Create Point when in a cross section view.

The point to be created will be given the attributes currently defined via the Edit/Set Point Attributes command.

Create Point by Point Offset and Elevation Shift dialog box

Item Used to
Cross Section Set: Select a cross section from the list in which the point is to be inserted. All cross sections that are open in the current cross section view are listed here.
Offset: Key in the offset origin of the point to be created.
Alternatively, use the mouse to snap to and accept an existing point and have its chainage value placed in this field.
Note that the Elevation field will also be updated when snapping to an existing point.
Elevation: Key in the elevation origin of the point to be created.
Alternatively, use the mouse to snap to and accept an existing point and have its elevation value placed in this field.
Point Offset: Key in the offset at which the point is to be placed from the defined offset and elevation.
Alternatively, use the mouse to click onto any two positions in the long section view to define the distance. Note, you can also snap onto existing points to define the distance.
Elevation Shift: Key in the elevation shift (change in elevation) at which the point is to be placed from the defined offset and elevation.
Alternatively, use the mouse to click onto any two positions in the long section view to define the elevation shift. Note, you can also snap onto existing points to define the elevation shift.
OK: Create the point. The point will be created with the attributes currently set in the Attributes/Point command.
Cancel: Close the dialog box without applying the current settings.