Set Point AttributesSet Point Attributes (Section View)

(This functionality is available with the Profiles and Design module)

Displays the Set Point Attributes dialog box that displays the current point attribute settings and allows them to be altered.

The Edit/Set Point Attributes command is selected from the Profiles task in either the long section view or cross section view.

Any point created in the section views will be given the attributes currently defined in this Edit/Set Point Attributes command. You should therefore use this command to set the required attributes before creating any points.

Set Point Attributes dialog box

Item Used to
Description: Edit the point description attribute.
The description may contain any characters and is unrestricted in size.
Symbol...: Select a point symbol.
Each point may have none or one symbol. Refer to the Symbol Library dialog box in Appendix 1 of the manual.
Colour: Select the colour number attribute for the symbol. For a further information on colour configuration refer to the Colour help topic.
Plan: Set plan units for symbol dimensions.
The symbol dimensions will then be in millimetres (or inches) when output from the system to a CAD drawing.
Use plan units for symbols that are to be shown at a fixed size regardless of the scale to be used in the CAD drawing. An example of such a symbol could be a permanent survey mark.
Ground: Set ground units for symbol height or width.
The symbol dimensions will then be in metres (or feet) on the ground and scaled accordingly when output from the system to a CAD drawing.
Use ground units for symbols that are to be drawn to scale. An example of such a symbol could be a tree of certain diameter as shown in the dialog box.
Height: Key in the height (Y dimension) of the symbol.
Width: Key in the width (X dimension) of the symbol.
Direction: Key in the direction of the symbol in decimal degrees, mathematical convention.
For example a direction of 45° will cause the symbol to be rotated anticlockwise by 45° from the direction shown in the symbol library.
Code Table: Select the code table you want to use to select the code from.
Code: Select the code name you want to use to associate with any constructed points.
Stringing ID: (This field is only enabled in the Cross Section View)
Enter a 2 character alpha-numeric stringing ID. This ID is used to determine which points to join between sequential cross sections when you transfer the cross sections into plan. Points with the same stringing ID will be joined in plan. To make sure that the correct points get joined between cross sections it is wise to keep the ID unique for each section.
Custom Point: Set the point as a custom point.
The display of custom points can be toggled via the display features dialog in a long section or cross section window. Also custom points can be output to CAD for both long sections and cross section sets.
OK: Close the dialog box and save any changes as the current point attribute settings to be used when new points are created.
Cancel: Close the dialog box without saving any changes to the current point attribute settings.