A mathematical system of representing the meridians and parallels of an ellipsoid on a plane grid.
The projection used to store the co-ordinates of the data base. The projection for any particular data base is selected at the time of creating the file using the New command. If when using the New command, no projection is selected, then the data base file is created using the default projection.
Note that the default projection when a new file is created is the projection selected when the previous new file was created.
The following projection types are available at the time of creating a new data base.
- Plane (Plane geometry; no projection)
- Transverse Mercator (Includes UTM)
- Lambert Conformal Conic
- Double Stereographic
- Oblique Mercator
- NAD27 Transverse Mercator
- NAD27 Lambert Conformal Conic
- Swiss
- New Zealand