Polygon Block Dialog Box

(This functionality is only available in the Plan View)

A Polygon Block can either be defined as a rectangle or a free form shape of up to 500 sides. A polygon block is created by selecting a polygon object from the data base.

The advantages of using a polygon block over a freehand block are that a polygon block can be created in a precise location and it can also support all line types that can be used to create polygons.

Block dialog box

Item Used to
Polygon: Enter the polygon number or snap and accept a polygon from the plan graphics view.
Criteria: Set the block region and conditions that define whether an object will satisfy a block or not.
OK: Takes the selected polygon and creates a block. If the block is created successfully the dialog box will close.
Cancel: Close the dialog box without saving any changes to the settings.

Only one block may exist at any time and it may be made active or inactive by using the block tool.