Settings - Tolerances

(This functionality is available with the Input / Output module)

Enables you to set warning tolerances.

If a value exceeds the tolerance set, then a warning is provided when the observations are reduced using the Resolve/Reduce Field File command.

Tolerances dialog box

Item Used to
Vertical Collimation: Set the maximum vertical circle collimation value (in the currently configured angle units).
Instrument Height: Set the minimum and maximum instrument heights (in the currently configured distance units).
Stadia Wire: Set the maximum stadia wire reading error allowed (in the currently configured distance units).
The error is calculated as:
{(top reading-bottom reading)/2} - mid reading.
Additive Constant: Set the maximum additive constant value (in the currently configured distance units).
The additive constant is the sum of EDM index error and prism constant error.
PPM Correction: Set the maximum PPM correction value.
The PPM correction is in parts per million and applied to the distance observations.
Target Height: Set the minimum and maximum target height (in the currently configured distance units).
Max. St. Dev.Set the maximum angular standard deviation value allowed for when solving least squares solutions (in the currently configured angle units).
Max. Iterations: Set the maximum number of iterations that are allowed when solving for least squares solutions.
Local Scale Factor Set the minimum and maximum values of local scale factor.
OK Save any change made to the settings and close the dialog box.
Cancel Close the dialog box without saving any changes.

The units are as set in the Utilities/Configure/Units command.