Instrument Settings Dialog Box

(This functionality is available with the Input / Output module)

This dialog box is displayed after selecting the Change button in any of the following dialog boxes:

It allows for corrections to typical instrument errors to be stored in the current Field File and therefore applied when the field file is reduced using the Field Transfer/Resolve/Reduce Field File command.

These instrument settings should normally be set to zero but may be used to compensate for systematic errors in instrument measurement.

Item Used to
Collimation Key in the Instrument's vertical collimation correction.
The units are defined by the current Angle Units setting in the Utilities/Configure/Units command.
The collimation correction is stored in the currently open field file and is applied to the vertical circle readings when the field file is reduced using the Resolve/Reduce Field File command.
This field is not relevant for Horizontal Tacheometry.
Additive const: Key in the additive constant of the instrument.
The units are defined by the current Distance Units setting in the Utilities/Configure/Units command.
The additive constant is a correction to allow for constant errors in distance readings.
The additive constant is stored in the currently open field file and is applied to the distance readings when the field file is reduced using the Resolve/Reduce Field File command.
PPM: Key in the parts per million correction.
The PPM correction is used to correct for errors caused in distance readings which are proportional to the length measured.
The PPM correction is stored in the currently open field file and is applied to the distance readings when the field file is reduced using the Resolve/Reduce Field File command.
OK Save any changes to the instrument settings, write the appropriate record in the current field file and close the Instrument Settings dialog box.
Operation is returned to the appropriate spawning dialog box.
Cancel Close the dialog box without saving any changes to the instrument settings.
Operation is returned to the appropriate spawning dialog box.