Adopt Triangle AttributesAdopt Triangle Attributes

(This functionality is available with the Visualisation module)

Adopts the attributes of existing triangles making them the current triangle attribute settings.

Adopt Triangle Attributes dialog box

Item Used to
Colour Snapping to or accepting a model triangle will enter the number of the colour into this field.
Texture Snapping to or accepting a model triangle will display the texture of the triangle, if it has one.
OK Press the OK button to accept the currently displayed triangle colour and texture.
Close Closes the dialog box.

If in single object mode, snapping to and accepting, or directly accepting a triangle will change the attributes of that triangle immediately. To effect the change in Block mode, you must select the Apply button.

The check boxes active at the time of closing the dialog box will by default be active when the command is next selected.

Refer to the following topics for further information about the triangle attributes that may be changed.