(This functionality is available with the Input / Output module)
Creates the files required for using the LISCAD Alignment module.
Refer also to the Export dialog box topic.
Note that if triangles have been deleted from the currently selected model, it is necessary to remove the deleted triangles from the data base by using the Utilities/Maintenance/Clean command before using the Export command.
A file group is created consisting of files with the following extensions:
The TRI file is only created if the data base has been modelled using the Terrain Modelling/Modelling/Form Model command. The TRI file is derived from the current model selected from the Model tab option in the Display/Features command.
Alignment files use only numeric point identifiers. If the database contains any alpha numeric point identifiers, you must use the Auto Renumber option to create Alignment files. This option will automatically generate numeric identifiers in the Alignment files created.