Edit Point AttributesEdit Point Attributes

(This functionality is available with the Computations module and the 3D Visualisation module)

Changes selected attributes of existing points to the current attribute settings.

You should use the Computations/Attribute/Point or the Computations/Attributes/Adopt/Point command to set the required current attributes before using this command.

The Edit/Attributes/Point command is selected from the Computations Task or the 3D Visualisation module.

Edit Point Attributes dialog box

Item Used to
Check Boxes Select which attributes are to be changed.
The attributes with active check boxes will be changed for the selected points, when the OK button is selected.
All Make all the attribute check boxes active.
None Make all the attribute check boxes inactive.
Radio Buttons
Point ID. Select point identifiers as the means of identifying which points are to have their attributes edited.
Code Select point feature code as the means of identifying which points are to have their attributes edited.
Desc. Select point descriptions as the means of identifying which points are to have their attributes edited.
Group Select group as the means of identifying which points are to have their attributes edited.
Line Select line as the means of identifying which points are to have their attributes edited.
Edit Fields
Point ID: Key in the point identifier or range of point identifiers of the points to be edited.
Alternatively, snap to and accept an existing point to have its point identifier placed in this field and have its attributes edited.
For a point identifier range, key in the two identifiers separated by two dots.
This field will only be available if the Point ID. radio button is active.
Code: Key in the feature code of the points to be edited.
Alternatively, snap to and accept an existing point to have its feature code placed in this field.
This field will only be available if the Code radio button is active.
Desc: Key in the description of the points to be edited.
Alternatively, snap to and accept an existing point to have its description placed in this field.
This field will only be available if the Description radio button is active.
Group: Select the group name of the points to be edited.
Alternatively, snap to and accept an existing point to have its group name placed in this field.
This field will only be available if the Group radio button is active.
Line: Key in the line number that contain the points to be edited.
Alternatively, snap to and accept an existing line to have its number placed in this field.
This field will only be available if the Line radio button is active.
OK Change the active attributes of the selected points to the corresponding current attribute settings.
If Block is inactive, then the following applies:
In point identifier mode, only the points within the selected range will be edited.
In code, description or group mode, all points with the code, description, or group entered will be edited.
In line mode, all points in the selected line will be edited.
If Block is inactive and the entry field is blank, then the following applies:
In point identifier, code, group or line mode, a blank field is invalid; no points will be edited and an error message will result.
In description mode, all points without a description will be edited.
If Block is active, then the following applies:
Only those points which are both defined by the block, and nominated via the edit field will be edited.
If Block is active, and the edit field is blank, then the following applies:
In point identifier mode, all points defined by the block will be edited.
In line mode, all points in lines defined by the block will be edited.
In description mode, all points defined by the block and without a description will be edited.
In group mode or code mode, a blank field is invalid; no points will be edited and an error message will result.
Cancel Close the dialog box.

If in single object mode and the Point Identifier radio button is active, snapping to and accepting a point will change the attributes of that point immediately.

If in single object mode and the Line radio button is active, snapping to and accepting a line will change the attributes of the points in that line immediately.

To effect the change in all other modes, you must select the OK button.

The check boxes active at the time of closing the dialog box will by default be active when the command is next selected.

Refer to the following topics for further information about the point attributes that may be changed.