Opening an Existing SEE project


The aim of this tutorial is to open an existing SEE project.

Before you begin

Select this button to install the required data files.

Now proceed with the steps below.

  1. Locate the File You Wish to Open

    Run SEE and select File/Open to display the Open dialog.

     Open File Dialog

    Use the Look In field to navigate to the Tutorial folder.

    Select "Open.see" from the list of files.

  2. View the File Details

    Optionally, to verify that you have selected the correct file you may click on the Details... button to view the project header details without having to open the file.

    Open Details Dialog

    Click the OK button to close the Details dialog box.

  3. Open the File

    Click the Open button to open the project.

    The file "Open.see" is opened and displayed in the state that in which it was last closed.