Final Editing and Text Placement

  1. Position the Information Boxes

    Place a block around the Legend, and use Edit/Cut and Edit/Paste (or Edit/Move) to relocate it in the position shown below.

    Repeat the process to relocate the Co-ordinate Table to the positions shown.

  2. Edit the Text

    Use Attributes/Set to set required text attributes, or Attributes/Adopt to adopt the attributes of existing text.

    Use Place/Text to place any other text you require on the final plan.

    It may assist in placing the text to use Settings/Grid and Settings/Grid Snap to view and snap to a suitable grid when placing the text.

    Use Edit/Modify Text and Edit/Move to alter or re-position the text after placement.

    Final Plan


Open "Final.lcd" to view a typical example of the finished plan.