Invariably, there will be some objects and text that are not needed. Provided the object is definitely not needed in the final plan, the quickest way to remove it is to delete it.
- Set the Search Filter to Look For All Objects
Select Settings/Search Filter.
In the dialog, select All and then OK. This will allow you locate all types of objects.
- Delete the Desired Objects
Select Edit/Delete (Note the cursor change).
Use the View/1:1, Window and Pan tools to view the plan at a suitable size and look for text which should be deleted.
To delete an object, first ensure that the Delete cursor is active. (If you have been using a viewing tool, you will need to press the Snap mouse button). Snap until you highlight the required object, and accept to delete it. Continue deleting objects until you are satisfied.
Note: Multiple Selection
Use Edit/Select and Accept each object to be deleted while holding down the Ctrl key. The selected objects will be highlighted. Then select Edit/Delete and Accept to delete all highlighted objects. If you have highlighted an object by mistake select it again to unselect it.