Create Text

(This functionality is available with the Computations module)

Creates a new Text object.

The Create/Text command is selected from the Computations Task.

The text to be created will be given the attributes currently defined via the Attributes/Text command. You should use this command to set the required attributes before creating any text.

Create Text dialog box

Item Used to
Text Entry Field: Key in the required text. This field is enabled to check spelling.
For a new line, press the Enter key.
Direction: Key in or specify the direction of the text with the mouse.
If specifying the direction with the mouse, the ~-- characters in the field signify that a screen position for the start of the direction has been selected.
If specifying a direction by entering a value in the Direction field click in the text field after entering the direction to apply this direction.

Note: To place the text, move the cursor to the required location in the graphics window and press the accept key, or alternatively snap to and accept an existing point position.