Surface to Surface Volume Results

(This functionality is available with the Volumes module)

The surface to surface volume results will be obtained after selecting the Compute button in the Volumes/Surface to Surface dialog box.

Surface to Surface volumes results dialog box

Item Used to
Cut: Display the planimetric area and volume of cut that has to be made to the 'From' surface to achieve the 'To' surface.
Fill: Display the planimetric area and volume of fill that has to be added to the 'From' surface to achieve the 'To' surface.
Unaffected: Display the planimetric area where the two models overlap that is not affected by the cut or fill. This is the area where the 'From' and 'To' surfaces are identical.
Summary: Display the:

Excess of Cut
This is the volume by which the cut exceeds the fill required. If there is an excess of cut, then that excess volume will need to be removed from the site.

Deficiency of Fill
This is the volume by which the required fill exceeds the cut. If there is a deficiency of fill, then that volume will need to be brought into the site from elsewhere.

Total Cut and Fill area
This is the sum of the areas of cut and fill.

Total area
This is the sum of the areas of cut, fill and unaffected.

Close: Close the dialog box.