Move Long Section Point Absolute Move Cross Section Point AbsoluteMove Point Absolute (Section View)

(This functionality is available with the Profiles and Design module)

Allows section points in long and cross sections to be moved to a precise location based upon distance, chainage, offset or elevation.

This function can be accessed from both the long and cross section views Profiles Task / Edit / Move Point / Absolute.

Item Used to
Current Location: Click on this radio button to inform the system that you are going to snap onto the point that is to be moved. When the point is selected it will display the Chainage / Distance and Elevation of a Long Section point or the Offset and Elevation of a Cross Section point.
Chainage / Distance or Offset: Enter the new value that you want the point moved to. Alternatively snap to a section point to adopt its value.
Elevation: Enter the new elevation that you want the point moved to. Alternatively snap to a section point to adopt its elevation.
Apply: Move the point to the position entered.
Points can be moved that have vertical parabolas attached to them. If there is room to maintain the geometry of the vertical curves the point will be moved. If there is insufficient room to maintain the vertical curves a dialog box will appear asking for confirmation to move the point and delete the curves. If you answer No the point will be restored to its original position.
Close: Close the dialog box.