Output to CAD

(This functionality is available with the Profiles and Design module)

Output the sections and the table information as defined by the options in the CAD Output dialog to either a LISCAD CAD, AutoCAD or MicroStation CAD system.

The type of file that is saved is dependent on the CAD system that is selected.

CAD System File type
AutoCAD .dxf, .dwg
MicroStation .dgn

The Output to CAD option can be chosen from the CAD Output dialog. This dialog is displayed after selecting the CAD Output command from the Profiles task in either a long section or cross section view.

The name of this dialog will show the CAD system that was selected on the CAD Output dialog.

Output to CAD dialog box

Item Used to
Save In: Select the folder where the file is to be saved. The display field below will show all sub folders and existing files of the type selected.
File name: Key in the name of the file to be saved.
Save as type: Display the file type to be saved. i.e. LCD (LISCAD CAD), DXF, DWG (AutoCAD) or DGN (MicroStation).
Seed Files & Cell Libraries (MicroStation only): Brings up a dialog to allow MicroStation Seed files and Cell libraries to be set.
Open CAD File: Checking this box will attempt to open the CAD file you are about to create, using the application the file extension is associated with. For LISCAD .lcd files it will attempt to run LISCAD CAD and open the file as part of the creation process.

If the associated application runs but the CAD file does not open, this may be because your associated application does not accept a file name parameter being passed to it.
OK: Close the dialog and output the data to the selected CAD system.
Cancel: Close the dialog without outputting the data to a CAD system.