Traverse File editor: Compute Traverse

(This functionality is available with the Input / Output module)

Computes a traverse.

The Compute/Traverse command is selected from the Traverse File Editor. On selecting this command, the Compute Traverse dialog appears.

Compute Traverse dialog box

Command Used to
Traverses Selected: Select and display the traverse to be solved.
Any of the traverses can be selected in the currently open traverse file.
Note: To apply the settings to all the traverses in the traverse file select All Traverses from the list.
Corrections to be applied
Directions: Display the corrections to be applied to directions. These corrections are set by pressing the Corrections button and setting the available options in the Corrections dialog box.
Distance: Display the corrections to be applied to distances. These corrections are set by pressing the Corrections button and setting the available options in the Corrections dialog box.
Corrections Set which geodetic corrections are to be applied in the adjustment process.
Horizontal Adjustment
None Suppresses any horizontal adjustment, allowing you to adjust elevations independently.
Unadjusted Compute co-ordinates from the bearings and distances without performing an adjustment. An Appropriate misclosure report is generated and you have the option of saving the unadjusted co-ordinates in the Traverse file.
Bowditch Carry out a Bowditch traverse adjustment of the bearings and distances. An Appropriate report is generated and you have the option of saving the adjusted co-ordinates in the Traverse file.

NOTE: A Bowditch adjustment distributes the linear misclose proportionate to the distance of each leg of the traverse. The total movement of each station is parallel to the line of misclose and equal to:

misclose distance x å lengths to that point / total length
Transit Carry out a Transit traverse adjustment of the bearings and distances. An Appropriate report is generated and you have the option of saving the adjusted co-ordinates in the Traverse file.

NOTE: A Transit adjustment distributes the co-ordinate misclose proportionate to the change in co-ordinates for each leg of the traverse. It may be stated as follows. Where the partial co-ordinate is the change in East or North for a leg of the traverse, the correction to the partial co-ordinate is equal to:

partial co-ordinate x co-ordinate misclose / å partial co-ordinates
Crandall's Carry out a Crandall's traverse adjustment of the bearings and distances. An Appropriate report is generated and you have the option of saving the adjusted co-ordinates in the Traverse file.

NOTE: A Crandall's adjustment is a least squares adjustment of the traverse with the bearings held constrained. Only the distances are adjusted.

Warning! Traverse angles close to 0 or 180 degrees may result in very large adjustments to the corresponding distances if a Crandall's adjustment is used.
Angular Misclosure Calculate the angular misclosure. If the observations are angles, bearings are computed and placed in the bearing column. You are given the option of:
  1. adjusting the bearings to remove the misclosure, or
  2. leaving the bearings unadjusted
Note that bearings must be present before the Bowditch, Transit, Crandall's or Unadjusted commands can be used.
Elevations Calculate the elevations of the traverse based on the elevation differences. An appropriate misclose report is generated and you are given the option of:
  1. adjusting the elevations to remove the misclosure, or
  2. leaving the elevations unadjusted.
None Compute the traverse without producing any output.
Report Compute the traverse and produce an ASCII report.
XML The output from the computation of the traverse(s) will be an XML document compliant with the LISCADXML-TRAVS Schema. The XML Style Sheet Dialog (Exporting) box becomes available when the computation is completed. The XML document produced contains all observed and computed data from the computation.
Report... Open the Report Layout dialog.
Corrections... Open the Corrections dialog.
Settings... Open the Settings dialog.
OK Apply the current settings and close the dialog.
Cancel Close the dialog without applying the settings.