Leica GPS-500 Field Operations

(This functionality is available with the Input / Output module)

This topic documents the field operations for a Leica GPS-500.

Using this process, a LISCAD field file can be created directly from the SR530 and reduced directly into LISCAD. The data can be strung and the CQ (GPS Co-ordinate Quality) of the point is automatically attached as a description.

Please refer to the software library on the LISCAD web site:


There you will find a self extracting archive (GPS500.EXE) which you can download and expand to obtain the following files:

Make sure the code list LISCAD.CRF is attached to the GPS job when starting the survey.

Code the points as picked up. Use ATTRIBUTE to assign a string to the point. The string number must be TWO digits. i.e. 03 not just 3.

Hint: If you want to check the last code/string used, you can press the LAST key and select the code that you require. It will then bring up the last Code/String used for this code and allow you to amend the string number. (A simple string tracking facility).

After the GPS survey is completed, go to TRANSFER from the MAIN menu.

From there go to GSI / User file.




This will now take the Myfile job and using the lcpfldcq.frt format file, produce a LISCAD field file called myfilemane.fld, which will be placed in the \DATA folder on the PC card.

Then the PC card can be put into the PC and the FLD file can be copied into the LISCAD data folder.

Create or open the appropriate LISCAD project.
Ensure that Field Transfer/Settings/Code Definition is set to CCCSS
Then reduce the field file using Field Transfer/Resolve/Reduce Field File.

With this format statement, the CQ (GPS co-ordinate quality) is put into the description field of the LISCAD point. If this is not required then the format file needs to be edited.