Leica GPS-300 Field Operations

(This functionality is available with the Input / Output module)

This topic documents the field operations for a Leica GPS-300.

You must use a GPS-300 Code List set up as documented below. Such a code list is available in the software library on the LISCAD web site:


The code list and instructions are contained in a self extracting archive (GPS300.EXE) which you can download from the web site. Expand the archive and follow the instructions for:

The structure of observation records in the ASCII data file generated from the Workbench must be:

East and North co-ordinates may be in the opposite order. Ensure that the Utilities/Configure/Units command is set appropriately to match which the co-ordinate order in the GPS-300 file.

The Note fields are used to enter LISCAD operation codes which are documented below.

The Attribute name and Attribute Value fields are used to control the strings and symbol dimensions.

The GPS-300 ASCII data file is processed by LISCAD to create a Field file using the Field Transfer/Resolve/Create Field File command.

You must ensure that the Field Transfer/Settings/Code Definition command is set as follows:

String Identifier: 2 characters selected
String at End: selected
Treat Code as Numeric: Unchecked


Points with the same feature code and string number will be strung.

For a point to be included in a string the following would apply:

Attribute name 1 must be "String"

Attribute Value 1 must be a string number between "1" and "99"

Symbol Dimensions

The symbol is defined by the LISCAD code table. A symbol will be generated if the LISCAD code table has a symbol defined for the particular feature code.

To assign dimensions to a symbol:

Operation Codes

Note fields 1 to 4 are used to enter the following operations. The operation code is always entered into Note1.

Note1 Note2 Note3 Note4 Result
6 Offset Distance Elev. Dif. Point moved by Offset to the left (if negative) or to the right of the direction from the last point to the current point.
  • Point moved by Distance toward (if negative) or away from the last point.
  • Point elevation lowered (if negative) or raised by the Elevation Difference value.
7 Radius Radius Radius A circle is generated for each Radius entered.
  1. Strings will consist of straight Line segments. This is the default.
  2. Strings will consist of splines.
  3. Circle by Centre (current point) and Radial point (next point).
  4. Circle by 2 Diameter points (current & next points)
  5. Circle by 3 points (current & next two points)
  6. Arc by 3 radial points (current & next two points)
11 Closes the current string back to its beginning point.
14 Desc1 Desc2 Desc3 The three notes are concatenated to become the Point Description.
17 Width Step The current and subsequent points will define the base of the rectangle. The rectangle will be formed to the right of its defined base if a positive width is entered, or left if negative. If the first information word is not entered or is entered as zero, then a square will be constructed with all sides equal to the base defined by the two measured points. If "Width of Step" is entered, lines will be drawn within the rectangle parallel to the base.
19 Removes Elevation of current point.
26 Text Text Text The three notes are concatenated to become a comment in the LISCAD field file (Max. 40 Chars).
30 Code Width Elev. Flag Symbol by Edge.
Two edge points (current & next) of the symbol are observed to define dimension 1 and direction. If Symbol Width is zero then it is assumed to be the same as the height, a positive width is to the right of the edge point, negative to the left.
If zero is entered for the Elevation Flag then only the two observed edge points will have elevations. Entering 1 will result in the average elevation being transferred to the system created symbol origin point with the two edge points being flagged as non contourable, while entering 2 will result in the average elevation being transferred to the system created symbol origin point and the elevations removed from the two edge points.
31 Code Width Elev. Flag Symbol by centre line.
Two centre line points (current & next) of the symbol are observed to define height and direction. If Symbol Width is zero then it is assumed to be the same as the height i.e. a circle.
If zero is entered for the Elevation Flag then only the two observed edge points will have elevations. Entering 1 will result in the average elevation being transferred to the system created symbol origin point with the two edge points being flagged as non contourable, while entering 2 will result in the average elevation being transferred to the system created symbol origin point and the elevations removed from the two edge points.

Example of a GPS-300 data file suited to LISCAD

Note: The field separator must be a semi colon. If the first character is a semi colon, the record is ignored.

; Start of String 1 with feature code BCK
; Move 2 forward 2.0 from line 1-2
; Move 3 1.5 left of line 2-3 and the elevation reduced by 1.0
; Symbol with dimensions 6.0 and 2.0
; Symbol with dimensions 5.2
; Circles with radii 4,0 and 6.0 drawn around 7
; Start of String 1 with feature code FENC
; Commence Spline
; Start 3 point Arc
12;1050.000;2167.134;106.780;0.034;PM;26;Permanent; Mark;;
; Field Comment
14;1150.000;2157.134;106.780;0.034;RAIL;14;Railing; was; Broken;String;1;
; Point Description (Spaces at end of notes will be ignored)
; Start of String 2 with feature code FENC
; Rectangle created between 24-25 with width 6.0
; Elevation removed from 25
; Symbol of code ELP created between 27-28