Display FeaturesDisplay Features: Long Section View

Governs what information is displayed in the long section view.

On selecting the Display / Features command, the following tab options become available.

Item Used to
Long Sections tab option
Long Section: List all long sections currently displayed in the active long section window. Select the long section that you want to change the display features of.
The Point Attributes group determines what point information is to be displayed at the nominated locations. This group is made up of:
Chainage: Toggle the display of long section chainages.
Distance: Toggle the display of long section distances.
Elevation: Toggle the display of long section elevations.
Identifier: Toggle the display of point identifiers.
Description: Toggle the display of point descriptions.
Code: Toggle the display of point feature codes.
Cut: Toggle the display of areas of "cut" between two long sections.
Fill: Toggle the display of areas of "fill" between two long sections.
Line Attributes group. This group is made up of:
Section name: Toggle the display of the selected long section name.
Horizontal Geometry: Toggle the display of the underlying line object types that make up the horizontal control.
VC Length: Toggle the display of the vertical curve lengths. Note the lengths are a horizontal distance.
VC K Value: Toggle the display of the parabolic vertical curve K Values.
VC Radius: Toggle the display of the circular vertical curve Radius Values.
Grade Line: Toggle the display of the grade between points in the long section.
The Locations group determines the positions at which the point attributes and drop lines are displayed. This group is made up of:
Key Points: Toggle the display of the selected Point Attributes at key points.
Crossing Breaklines: Toggle the display of the selected Point Attributes where a breakline crosses the long section.
Crossing Planimetric Lines: Toggle the display of the selected Point Attributes where a planimetric line crosses the long section.
Model Intersections: Toggle the display of selected Point Attributes at the intersection of model triangles that the long section cuts through.
Section Markers: Toggle the display of the selected Point Attributes at section markers.
Points Within Offset Range: Toggle the display of selected Point Attributes that are included in the offset range that was previously defined in the Long Section Parameters dialog when the long section was created.
Section Edges: Toggle the display of Point Attributes at the edge of the long section.
Computed Points: Toggle the display of Point Attributes at computed points.
Custom Points: Toggle the display of Point Attributes at custom points.
Floating Points: Toggle the display of Point Attributes at floating points.
Vertical Tangent Points: Toggle the display of Point Attributes at tangent points of vertical curves.
Vertical Hi/Lo Points: Toggle the display of Point Attributes at the high and low points or vertical curves.
Daylight Points: Toggle the display of Point Attributes at daylight points.
User Defined Interval: Toggle the display of selected Point Attributes at a user defined distance interval.
This value must be no less than 0.1m and will only be available if the User Defined Interval check box is selected. If an interval less than 0.1m is selected the OK button will be disabled making it impossible to accept the value entered.
The Display at all Locations group determines what information is to be displayed at all locations along the section regardless of which locations have been selected in the Locations group. This group is made up of:
Point Crosses: Toggle the display of crosses on all points that form part of the selected long section.
Symbol: Toggle the display of symbols on points.
Tangent Labels: Toggle the display of tangent labels.
Apply to All Sections: Assign the current display attributes to all long sections displayed in the long section view.
This button will be disabled if there is only one long section being displayed in the window.
Layout tab option

Grid Group
Chainage / Distance: Toggle the display of the Chainage / Distance grid.
The interval of the Chainage / Distance grid can be set in the Interval field, and labels for the grid values can be displayed by selecting the Label check box.
Elevation: Toggle the display of the Elevation grid.

The interval of the Elevation grid can be set in the Interval field, and labels for the grid values can be displayed by selecting the Label check box.
Table Group
The List Box shows all the rows of information that are currently displayed in the Table View section on the Long Section Window.
Up: Move the entry in the list box up one line.
Down: Move the entry in the list box down one line.
OK: Save any changes and close the dialog box.
Cancel: Close the dialog box without saving any changes.
System: Hold all the settings so that they can be used for any new long section that are created.
Help: Display the help for this function.