Add TriangleAdd Triangle by Side and Apex

(This functionality is available with the Modelling module)

Add Triangle is available from the Edit menu in the Terrain Modelling Task.

This allows a model edge and a point to be selected to form a new triangle.

This command does not have a dialog box, and can be exited by pressing the escape key. What to select is prompted for on the prompt line or status bar.

You can only add triangles to the edge of the model, either around the outside or inside holes within the model.  You cannot create triangles over the top of existing triangles.

If you wish to edit the model internally you must first delete any unwanted triangles using the Edit / Delete Triangles command to create a hole.  You may then create any new points inside the hole, if required, and then use this function to create the new triangles.

If you only want to change a pair of triangles so that they are connected by opposite apexes then you will find it quicker to use the Edit / Flip Triangle command.