Import Moss

(This functionality is available with the Input / Output module)

Imports data from a Moss GENIO file. Points and Lines as well as full design information and triangulation will be imported.

Refer also to the Import dialog box topic.

The Moss Format Line and the Order Statement must both be present in the GENIO file and be in pairs.

The system checks the validity of each Format line with its Order statement to ensure that they are compatible. In most cases the Moss file will contain only one of each of these statements.

Examples of compatible Format Lines and Order Statements are:




Refer also to the Moss GENIO file topic.

The dialog box is used to specify how the Moss code information is to be interpreted by LISCAD.

Item Used to
Code Size(Max 4): Key in a value up to 4. If a feature code in the Moss file has more characters than the value entered in the Code Size field, then the additional characters will be ignored when that Moss feature code is matched in the lookup table and/or code table. For example if the code size is 2, then Moss feature codes of RD01 and RD02 would be treated as RD. This enables you to minimise the number of feature codes that need to be in the lookup table and/or the code table.
Use Alpha Code Only: If this is selected, only the leading Alpha characters will be selected to make up the LISCAD code. For example, Moss strings with codes RD01 and RD66 will both result in creating LISCAD string of code RD. The code size will be ignored.
Use Code as Group: If this is selected, strings are placed on a group with the same name as the Moss string code. For example, if a Moss string code selected was RD, then this string would automatically get code and Group RD. If RD66 was selected then this string would automatically get code and Group RD66.
Generate Point ID's From string codes: If this option is selected, then each point in the Moss string that is imported will have it's identifier generated from a combination of the sting identifier and the point position in this string. (for example) the third point in string RD66 would get ID RD66_3. A conflict will occur if two points are generated with the same point ID. If this occurs, the process can be terminated or continued to create a non-unique LISCAD database.
Scale for Text: This should be set at the scale which the MX GENIO file was exported. This will ensure the text is displayed at correct size in LISCAD.

The following MX GENIO string types are supported;

Normal String; NORMAL_STR
Cadastre String; CADASTRE_STR
Geometry String; GEOMETRY_STR (including associated Long Sections)
Survey Station Sting; SURVEY_STN_STR
Text String; TEXT_STR
Point String; POINT_STR
Contour String; CONTOUR_STR
Contour String; CONTOUR_STR


  • If lines being imported contain more than 10,000 points, the line will be broken and restarted.
  • If you do not want a particular code to be strung when imported, the "Stringable" option in the Code Table must be set to "No". This does not apply to Geometry strings which are strung regardless of the setting in the Code Table.
  • Tip: When preparing data for Moss (MX), it is imperative that you do not use the the same point codes for isolated points as for points which are joined by lines. If you mix codes for points and lines, the MX file cannot distinguish which are supposed to be isolated points and which are used for generating lines. Similarly, any MX file you wish to import into LISCAD must not use the same code for points and lines, as they will either all be strung or not strung according to the rule in the previous bullet point.
  • Coordinates with a negative Easting are treated as a break/gap in a string.
  • Coordinates with a negative Northing indicate the start of that string again.