Export File Format - Dialog Box

(This functionality is available with the Input / Output module)

The dialog box is used to specify the format of the ASCII file to be created.

Item Used to
Field Order Specify the order that the data fields {Point Identifier, X (East), Y (North), Z (Elevation), Code, Description, Group, Blank} are to appear in the ASCII file to be created.
The number corresponding to each field indicates its position in each point record. The field order may be altered by clicking the arrows on the appropriate horizontal scroll bars. A value of zero for a field order indicates that field is not to be exported to the ASCII file.
The blank field may be used to create a field of spaces.
Column Width Specify the column width of the data fields {Point Identifier, X (East), Y (North), Z (Elevation), Code, Description, Group, Blank} in the ASCII file to be created.
The number corresponding to each field indicates its width. The column width may be altered by clicking the arrows on the appropriate horizontal scroll bars. Column width will be zero for any field that is not to be exported to the ASCII file.
Right Justification Specify whether each field is to be right justified.
If the check box is not active, the associated field will be left justified.
Number of Decimals Specify the number of decimal places for the X (East), Y (North) and Z (Elevation) fields.
The number corresponding to each field indicates its number of decimal places. The number of decimal places may be altered by clicking the arrows on the appropriate horizontal scroll bars.
Included Leading Spaces Specify the number of spaces to be added in front of the Code, Description and Group fields.
The number corresponding to each field indicates the number of spaces between the end of the preceding field and the start of the specified column width. The number of spaces may be altered by clicking the arrows on the appropriate horizontal scroll bars.
This feature enables you to specify the columns in which the text fields are to start or end.
In the dialog box shown above, the Z (Elevation) field would end at column 46. (6+15+15+10). The starting column for the Code field may be varied by changing the Included Leading Spaces. Refer to the following table.
Code Leading Spaces     Code Starting Column
0   47
1   48
2   49
Geographic Radio Buttons: If latitudes and longitudes are being exported, select the appropriate radio button to indicate that they are to be in sexagesimal degrees, decimal degrees, gons, or radians.
These radio buttons will only be available if the currently open data base is on a projection and the units are configured for geographical co-ordinates in the Utilities/Configure/Units command.
Space Specify that the fields are separated by spaces.
Comma Specify that the fields are separated by commas.
Line Feed Specify that each field is on a separate line.
Points: Specify that the order of records in the export file will be point identifier order.
Strings Specify that the order of records in the export file will be grouped according to the line objects in the data base.
Points in the same line string will be grouped together in their order along the line string. Therefore, if a point is in two line strings, it will appear in the created file twice. Points not in lines will also be exported to the file.
Undefined Z Value: Key the "Undefined Z (Elevation) Value".
Points which do not have an elevation in the data base will have the "Undefined Z Value" written into the elevation field of the file to be created.
Export Set: Select the Export Format to be used.
The settings in the dialog box will be altered to the settings last used for the set chosen. This feature may be used to set and recall up to ten different formats.
Cancel Close the dialog box without exporting a file.
OK Create the export file.