
The following modifier keys can be applied when entering values into a LISCAD edit control. Each control describes the modifiers available to it.

The modifiers use reverse-polish notation and only one can be entered at a time. Before a modifier is applied, the existing data must be validated.

Modifier Action
SPACE The data currently in the edit control is validated.[22 ] = [22.000]
F9 The function key F9 validates the data in the edit control. This is the same as entering a SPACE character. [22F9] = [22.000]
* Multiply the existing data by the value entered. [22.44 2.0*] = [44.88]
/ Divide the existing data by the value entered. [22.44 2.0/] = [11.22]
+ Add the value entered to the existing data. [22.44 2.0+] = [24.44]
- Subtract the value entered from the existing data. [22.44 2.0-] = [20.44]
M The value is converted from metres to the current distance units. [10M] = [32.808 if in feet]
F The value is converted from international feet to the current distance units. [10F] = [3.048 if in metres]
U The value is converted from US feet to the current distance units. [10U] = [3.048 if in metres]
L The value is converted from links to the current distance units. [10L] = [2.012 if in metres]
↑ (Up Arrow) PI/2 is added to the existing bearing. [243.3456↑] = [333.3456]
↓ (Down Arrow) PI/2 is subtracted from the existing bearing. [243.3456↓] = [153.3456]

For addition, subtraction, multiplication or division, after the initial data has been entered,

For example, I have a distance of 123.345 and I wish to add 10 to this. The edit control would appear as [123.345 10]. When the '+' character is pressed, the field would then appear as [133.345] and the tooltip would show 123.345 + 10 indicating how the value has been derived.

For the other modifiers simply press the modifier required after the data has been entered.
For example, I have a bearing of 123.3450 degrees and I wish to add 90 degrees to this. The edit control would appear as [123.3450]. When the '↑' character is pressed, the field would then appear as [213.3450] and the tooltip would show 123°34'50' + 90°00'00" if the angle units were configured as sexagesimals.