Delete PolygonsDelete Polygons

(This functionality is available with the Computations module)

Allows the deletion of existing polygons with options to delete associated lines and associated points.

The Edit/Delete/Polygons command is selected from the Computations Task.

You may then use the Delete Polygons dialog box.

Snap to and accept an existing polygon to have it deleted.

Alternatively click in the Polygon No. field and key in the polygon number of the polygon to be deleted followed by an Enter key or a click on the Delete button. Note that keying in two numbers separated by .. will delete a range of polygons. For example, 10..15 would result in polygons with the identifiers 10 to 15 being deleted.

Note that if a Block is active, then clicking the Delete button will delete those polygons which are both defined by the block, and nominated in the Polygon No. field. If the Polygon No. field is blank, then all polygons defined by the block will be deleted.

Click the Close button to exit the command.