Create Tangent Points Between 2 ArcsCreate Tangent Points Between 2 Arcs

(This functionality is available with the Computations module)

Creates points at the tangent point(s) of two arcs, and optionally joins the points together.

To run this option, select the Create/Point command and the Method/Arc Arc Tangents command from the Computations task to display the relevant dialog box.

Create Tangent Points by 2 Arcs dialog box

Item Used to
Point ID ID of point(s) to be created.
Select First Arc Select the arc or circle of which the tangents will be calculated.
Select Second Arc Select the other arc or circle of which the tangents will be calculated.
Compute Compute the tangents and display on the screen.
Apply Create the computed points (and lines if the "String" option is selected).
Either Northern and Southern or, Eastern or Western Line and also Cross Line 1 and Cross Line 2 check boxes Check any of these 4 check boxes to nominate which tangent points will be created.
String/Join Check if you wish lines to be created as well as the tangent points.
Insert If checked, the tangent points will be inserted into any arcs selected. Note that points will not be inserted into circles. If the arc is part of an alignment or polygon, points will not be inserted if they lie beyond the ends of the arc.
Break If checked, the arcs will be broken at the tangent points. Note that the 'Insert' check box must be selected for the break option to be available. Also be aware that although the arcs may be broken, they will not be trimmed.
Next Update the point identifier field to the next available identifier greater than the identifier currently shown.
Last Update the point identifier field to one greater than the highest identifier in the data base.