Exchange AxesExchange Axes

(This functionality is available with the Computations module)

Swaps the X, Y, Z axes with each other. This function is particularly useful for façade surveys where it is desirable to view a building from the front rather than from above.

The Edit / Exchange Axes command is selected from the Computations Task.

Exchange Axes dialog box

Item Used to
X Axis = Select which current axis is to represent the new positive X axis. The orientation can also be changed by selecting a current negative axis.
Y Axis = Select which current axis is to represent the new positive Y axis. The orientation can also be changed by selecting a current negative axis.
Z Axis = Select which current axis is to represent the new positive Z axis. The orientation can also be changed by selecting a current negative axis.
OK Checks that the selected axes are all valid. All axes must be selected - i.e. X, Y and Z selections must result in unique X, Y and Z selections (negatives are also selectable).
Makes a backup of the current .SEE data file with a .BAK extension in the current working folder, as the results may be irreversible.
Transforms the data set.
Cancel Closes the dialog box without exchanging the axes.

This command is not available in a projection as the co-ordinates would be transformed out of the projection range.

All LISCAD objects are converted and re-validated after the axes are exchanged. As a result some elements may be deleted - e.g. a spiral when x is exchanged to z.

Z co-ordinates may no longer be legal when exchanged for X or Y's as values less than -9999.999 are not permissible.