Examine CoordsExamine Co-ordinates

(This functionality is available with the Computations and 3D Visualisation modules)

Allows the co-ordinates of an existing point or cursor position to be examined.

Select the Examine/Co-ordinates command.

You may then use the Examine Co-ordinates dialog box.

Select the Static radio button if you wish to examine the co-ordinates of existing points, or alternatively, select the Dynamic radio button to dynamically examine the co-ordinates of the cursor position.

If in Static mode, snap to any existing point and its co-ordinates will be displayed in the dialog box.

If in Dynamic mode, the co-ordinates of the cursor will be displayed and continually updated as the cursor is moved around the viewing area.

When examining co-ordinates in a projection, scale factor, combined scale factor and convergence will be displayed for the selected point.

Clicking the Close button will exit the command.