Transformation Editor: Options Menu

(This functionality is available with the Transformations module)

On selecting the Options menu from the Transformations Editor, the following commands become available.

Command Used to toggle the display on or off for
Co-ordinate: Co-ordinate columns.
Elevation: Elevation columns.
Code: Code columns.
Description: Description columns.
Weight: Weight column
Note that if the weight column is on in the editor, a weight must be entered for each pair of points before the projection can be computed.
If the weight column is off, then a weight of 1 is automatically used for each pair of points.
XML Output: If checked, output from the computation of the transformation will be an XML document compliant with the LISCADXML-TRANS Schema. The XML Style Sheet Dialog (Exporting) box becomes available when the computation is completed. The XML document produced contains all observed and computed data from the transformation.
If unchecked an ASCII report will be generated when the computation is completed..