Traverse File Editor: Settings

(This functionality is available with the Input / Output module)

Sets minimum accuracy requirements for the traverse.

Also sets a plot scale for observed bearings and distances that may be generated in the project as text objects.

In the Traverse File Editor select the Compute/Traverse command and then the Settings button.

Settings dialog box

Item Used to
Horizontal Accuracy
This is used to set the horizontal accuracy limit that is used during the computation of the traverse. If the accuracy is less than one of the limits set, then the Misclose dialog will appear. This dialog will show the misclosure of the traverse and ask if you want to distribute the misclosure. If the accuracy is better that the limits set, then the traverse will be computed without the Misclosure dialog appearing.
1: Set the horizontal accuracy of the traverse.
Absolute: Set the linear distance of the misclosure.
The distance is entered in the units set in the Utilities/Configure/Units command.
Plot Scale - 1: Set the plot scale for the observed bearings and distances that are generated as text objects in the project. The plot scale is used in conjunction with the currently set text size, to control the position of the text in relation to the traverse line.
OK Close the dialog and accept the changes.
Cancel Close the dialog without accepting the changes.