Export LISCAD Version 6.x, 7.x, 8.x, 9.x, 10.x or 11.x

(This functionality is available with the Input / Output module)

Exports data to a LISCAD Version 6.x, 7.x, 8.x, 9.x, 10.x or 11.x file.

The default file name is the current file name modified with the addition of '_6', '_7', '_8', '_9', '_10' or '_11'depending upon the version number.

For example, if the current project is 'Project.see', and it is exported to Version 8.x the default name is 'Project_8.see'

Refer also to the Export dialog box topic.


Only points, lines, polygons and models can be exported from LISCAD V12.X to LISCAD V11.3 and earlier. Scans cannot be exported from LISCAD V12.X and opened in LISCAD V11.3 or earlier. If you wish to merge scan data with an existing job in V11.3 or earlier you will need to open it LISCAD V12.X or later.